Monday, November 2, 2009

Roadtrip so far

Hello everyone

So far so good. My dad and I are making good time. We are already on day 3 of the road trip and I can't tell if the time is flying by because I am looking forward to getting home or if it's the good company...either way I am excited that in a few short days I will be back home!

The trip started out by driving up to Portland OR. The day went fast but the sights were amazing I can only hope that I have engraved them to my memory. We drove along the Columbia river for a good chunk of the day. We passed mountains upon mountains.
The Columbia River
Moon in Oregon

From Or we made are way to Butte Montana. It was a bit chilly when we woke up and there was frost on the car. I will try not to bring any of that back. The drive through Montana was again amazing. It is crazy to think that in the years since it was established that not much has changed it is wide and open. While in Montana we made a stop at Cabela's mainly for my dad. For those who don't know it is a outdoors mens dream store. Following a quick jaunt through the store we headed out to South Dakota. While driving we had to go on Rt 212 which takes you right through God's country if you break down your screwed. My dad and I have named this Mule Deer Pass as we saw a million deer and one that got a little close to my car.
Frost on my Car!
The Rockies
Dad in his Happy place
This is 212 where a mule deer almost ran into the passenger side door, Dad had a few choice words following that experience.

So now we are safe and sounf in Rapid City South Dakota. Lucky for me on the way to the hotel we saw another Cabela's (thats having a sale!) across from the hotel. So tomorrow we are going there and then to Mt. Rushmore! Stay tuned for more...

Miss you and see you soon!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

End of a Chapter

Well my journey here in California is coming to an end. Tomorrow is my last day of work and Saturday my dad and I start back East.

I can honestly say that this journey has been both amazing and eye opening all at the same time. When Jamie and I started out this way 14 weeks ago I had no idea what to expect. All I knew is that I had come to a point in my life where I decided that I needed to explore this opportunity and went for it. The drive out here with my cousin produced memories that I will cherish for ever. I thought Jamie and I were close after living together for two years but this drive and journey just solidified our relationship. Jamie I love so much!

It is believed that the grass is always greener on the other side. Lesson number one that I learned...that saying so not true. I won't lie I talked myself up about going and exploring and gave off the impression that I wouldn't be back for awhile...but much to my surprise I was wrong. While it was great to get out and some what silence that voice in the back of my head that was always wondering " Is Syracuse it? " I realized that I love Syracuse and Upstate NY.It is where I grew up and where my family is. I realized that I don't want to me a thing.

Lesson number two: there is another saying that says "do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life." My Aunt Annie had written that in a card she sent me in college and to this day I have tried to live by that statement. In being introduced back into the world of skilled nursing/nursing home settings with this assignment I concluded that it is not for me. I found my self loathing my job and forcing myself to get out of bed. This I considered work aka not fun! All I could think was that when I was working at Enable I never felt this way. So the lesson I learned is do what makes you happy...My family makes me happy, Enable makes me happy as an OT. And since I'm not getting any younger I am not going to put off tomorrow what I can make happen today. So Happiness here I come!!!!

So come Saturday my father and I will begin the journey back home. As I did before I will be posting as we go so stay tuned!

Love you/Miss you
Let the countdown begin!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

It's good to have goals...

So it has been a while since I have last updated everyone. Not too much has changed. Last Friday Mai and I went to Punchline which is a comedy club in Sacramento to see a female comedian who's name is Angela Johnson (but Angela is spelled way different) She was hysterical! Do go and look her up on Youtube and if she comes to your town go and see her you will not be disappointed.

Got a new idea for a tattoo to even myself out, I swear as I get older I get more and more OCD like tendencies, but either way it's going to be cool, when I was home mom said she wanted to get one to remember the end of teaching and the beginning of retirement and then of course Dad being the mature parental figure he is stomped his foot and said" If your mother is getting a tattoo I want you too!" So who knows maybe we will turn it into a family event why not.

Other then that I have been looking into apartments and just recently dabled with the thought of renting a house provided that my brother might be interested in it but that was just a thought. Making a plan for when I do go home so that I can be more savvy with saving money in the hopes that I can buy a house within the next few years. As things get closer I get more excited about coming back home.

I know a lot of people when I talk to them keep stating that the are sorry it was not what I hoped it would be but as I told my 1AOF Lisa it was what I needed it to be for me. No regrets.

I'm signing off for now, Miss you Love You all

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Can't touch this!

For Labor Day weekend I made the trek home. It was a wicked long trip home and a slightly uncomfortable one being stuck in the middle on the airplane. I was so excited to get home unfortunately the time change and lack of sleep caught up with me and I took a quit power nap.

After watching SU come so close to a victory and then losing me and Dad headed to the Fair. WHOO HOO! Dad and I did a once over of the Fair , indulged in some Gianelli and headed home. Sunday came to soon but today I had the whole day. And where did I go.....Back to the Fair :) Me moms and pops went to the Fair and stayed to watch MC Hammer. He may not wear the parachute pants anymore but he can still entertain!

Monday included a family dinner (which I didn't know how much I missed) and the long journey back to CA. Suprisingly I was not as tired as I thought.

My class started before I left and so far so good. I attempted to find the book I needed for this class but there were just too many boxes to look through. Ha!

With 8 weeks left to go I am getting very excited to return home, not so excited about finding a apartment again but hey if thats the worst of it I'll deal. I was so happy to run into Karen a PT from Enable at work, she was cutting in front of me and my Dad in line at the Fair. I apologize to everyone I didn't get to see but we will live it up when I get back.

Love you Miss you all!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

I'm on Fire

Alrighty 10 weeks left!

Not too much went on this week, The COTA is back so work was a little more tame. I finished my summer class that I was taking and enjoyed the two weeks off before starting the next class. It was completely needed as this last class was very demanding. Yesterday I booked a flight home for Labor Day weekend which I am stoked for because this means I will still be able to go to the State Fair!

I also came up with the next tattoo that I want thanks to the signs around town for the Tattoo expo that they were having in Sacramento. Something to symbolize this chapter and to provide a reminder for the things that come. I am waiting until I get home to get it because I have to convince Christine to go with me!

So its official I have two months left. The other day I pulled out the map to find a route home for me and Dad. I didn't want to go back the way that Jamie and I came as beautiful as it was there wasn't much to look at. Also because Dad had to take vacation time to come out and drive with me I wanted to make sure it was wort his while. So with the route that I picked we will drive by the redwood national forest and be able to see Mt. Rushmore. I am very excited about that.
This is a cool sunflower that I found in the grocery store. Hint this is part of the tattoo!

These pics I took when I walked outside to get my laundry. I hope it is not my beloved Target that is on fire!

Well hopefully I will run into some of you when I'm in town next weekend!
Love you Miss You!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Week 2

So at the end of week 2 I came to a decision. It is a very big decision to make but it had been nagging at me. I have also wanted to try traveling therapy and I have been extremely thankful to have this opportunity but come to find out everything that I want in a job and a career is back in Syracuse.

This semester in classes we had to think about an area where we wanted to specialize in, at that point of time I did not want to feel boxed in, but after going through this experience thus far I know where I was to specialize in. I loved the mix of the population I worked with at Enable, the environment, the people everything that made me love my job! So I have decided that after this placement I will returning to Syracuse because everything I want and love is in there.

And just to emphasis how wonderful my former/soon to be again co-workers are. I mailed my friend Bud to ask for the bosses email or extension and with in 5 minutes he had called Joe the director spoke with him and emailed me back all the info saying to call Joe. I did and thankfully for me they hadn't hired anyone yet and Joe asked me "how soon can you come back" I love those people!

The rest of the weekend was spent with my friend from college Ang. She too is a traveling therapist who is living in Sacramento. This weekend she invited me down to go rafting/floating on the Great American River. (Pictures to follow as I couldn't bring the camera) It was so cool. It was Ang, me, her aunt and uncle , two cousins, and her aunts friend and daughter. We got this giant raft and four paddles and the essential super soaker!. So you just float on down the river and when you get close to other boats you have a water fight. It was so much fun!

Sunday was Napa valley day. We went to the wineries and ate some yummy food. Napa was very pretty enjoy the pictures.

Ang and Me
This was the name of the first winery we went to. What a cool name.

How cool is this tree!
Napa Grapes

You read right. It is a chocolate bar with bacon in it. It was actually really good.
My wine coaster slash flip flop!

I had a fan-tab-u-lous weekend and look forward to exploring on my own! Look forward to seeing you all in November!

Love Kasey

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Week 1!

So week one is complete! Thankfully the work week did get better.

It is still such a huge change and for a while I think I forgot that it takes time. It continues to be a jumble of emotions but I am learning to be thankful as this experience is going to help me narrow down where I would like my career to go and where I would like to settle.

So as the week continued the company that I currently am working for in CA found out that they lost their main contract and had been bought by a new company. Now to give you a little break down there is only one physical therapist assistant that has been with this company for 3 to 4 years. He has seen the director of therapy change 4 times. The current director of therapy has only been there a year and a half. The other physical therapist assistant was hired less then a month ago and the occupational therapy assistant is a traveler. So after the Monday that I had I could only laugh.

With the potential of another company coming in and making changes there was the looming danger that my contract would be ended. Luckily the occupational therapist assistant that I work with has been doing this for 2 years and told me that they would have to give us a 30 day notice before they could end the contract. I got right on the phone with my recruiter who within 15 minutes got back to me letting me know that her people would check everything out and for me not to worry. In going through this first week with the ups and downs it has been reassuring that I picked the right company to complete this journey. My recruiter Debbie has been extremely helpful and reliable. Thank You!

This weekend I went exploring. My friend Ang from college currently lives in Sacramento and told me about the Galleria in Roseville. So I took a trip down there, got my hair done and treatment myself to some bear mineral make-up. Then I headed over to the movie therater and saw the movie Proposal which was hysterical. After a long day I came home and vegged out.

Random view of the "backyard"

This was the giant bug I found out on the patio, hopefully they stay out there.
Two new books I bought, Tori and Dean Home sweet Hollywood is a guilty pleasure of mine.

Sunday is a day of odds n ends and gearing up for week 2. I am finishing up the applications for the license for the next stop on the trip. Other then that things are progressing alone. I thank everyone for the wonderful cards as they help keep me going! Just knowing what a great set of people I have around me has definetly made this big change a little easier. Hoping the phone bill isn't too bad!
All the love

Love you and Miss you